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Broccoli Sprouts

Updated: May 9

Broccoli is a little superhero when it comes to supporting our hormones. And sprouted broccoli even more so.

It is part of the brassica group of veggies (which also includes cabbage, cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts).  Brassicas contains decent amounts of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E and carotenoids.

But what makes brassicas, and broccoli in particular, so special is their relatively high levels of glucosinolates. 

Glucosinolates in themselves aren’t special. But when we damage the broccoli, by cutting or chewing, the glucosinolates come into contact with an enzyme called myrosinase. This causes them to be converted into sulforaphane. 

And it’s sulforaphane that has magical properties including:

  1. Kickstarting the enzymes needed for our phase 2 liver detoxification processes

  2. Maintaining skin collagen levels during photo-ageing and protecting against UV damage

  3. Impeding inflammation 

  4. Balancing the immune system 

  5. Inducing antioxidant enzymes

The sulforaphane found in raw broccoli has a tenfold higher bioavailability (meaning our body can absorb and use it easier) than in cooked.

large and small horse

But broccoli sprouts provide up to 100 times more sulforaphane than fully-grown broccoli. 

So the easiest way to get a super hit of sulforaphane is to eat sprouting broccoli.

You can buy it ready sprouted, but it’s really easy to do at home. You just need

  • Some seeds. I always order a pack of these seeds with my supplement order. You can use code LSGLD10 to get 10% off.

  • A sprouting jar, with a strainer. This is the one I use here

And here's how you sprout them...

  1. Start by soaking your seeds. Place them in a clean jar filled with cold water and put them in a dark place overnight.

  2. Turn the jar upside down to empty the water then run the tap through the top of the mesh to rinse the seeds.

  3. Empty the water through the mesh lid and then place it upside down to continue to drain.

  4. Every morning and evening rinse and drain again. 

  5. After a few days, your jar will be full of sprouted broccoli seeds ready to eat

  6. Give them a final rinse and drain and then leave them to dry on some kitchen paper before storing them in a sealed container in the fridge, where they’ll last a few days.

You can use these seeds in so many ways. I use a tablespoon at a time in salads, sandwiches and smoothies. 

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